Korea’s top
fortune-telling app with
over 7.5M downloads
Total amount of views
for free readings100M+
Total amount of uses
for premium readings0M+
As of June 2023
unique affiliate program
Collaborate with us
Integrate our FORCETELLER features
into your own service
Revisits+App usage+
Fortune coupons
Combine our popular readings
with your data insights
Active participationCTA
Promotional page
Personalized content
built into a separate web page
Traffic+Viral marketing

unique affiliate program
Collaborate with us
Integrate our FORCETELLER features
into your own service
Revisits+App usage+

Fortune coupons
Combine our popular readings
with your data insights
Active participationCTA

Promotional page
Personalized content
built into a separate web page
Traffic+Viral marketing

Native format
for the most effective CTA
Fixed types
Constant exposure at the top of the screen,
regardless of the feed type
1 ad inventoryNon-stop exposure
Rotating ads
Refreshes at a designated time via top-down
scrolling banner ad with a native post
3 ad inventoryTop-down scrolling